Saturday, November 23, 2019

First step to overcome Major clinical depression

Good morning
Here I will show you two simple steps to be followed to overcome your major depression
1) Understand & accept the problem
  take help of psychiatrist and medicine
2) Chage and two habits
    a) morning walk and yoga daily
    b) read good books daily for atleast half an hour

Stick to job or routine
Do not make major decisions for now like marriage , divorce,change in job or stating new business

Do this for six months to one year and see the change
In first three months ,you will notice change in yourself
In six months people will recognise you as a changed person

List of book if required ,I can post here

Get well soon
and lead the team

Amit Dave

practical guidance to make Your depression your best friend

 As I have practical experience of handling this major depression in positive way and to treat it as your best friend , -A GIFTED TOY- , I request one and all to open up and ask questions and seek free Guidance

Amit Dave 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Two major symptoms of Depression

If you find someone ( or yourself) with these two symptoms ,please contact your psychiatrist
1) Loss of sleep in early morning ie at 4 am or Evan earlier . Sudden helplessness or fear after that, with increased heartbeats.
2) During the day loss of concentration and intrest in doing any thing. Most prominent is ,you get one single negative thought(and they come in bunches) ,you stick to it and keep pondering on worst side of it, and you find yourself unable to ignore the thought . The thought has actually no relevance.
 Some thought are even funniest for you if you are at ease...say fir example ..
 Everyday Your son goes to college on his two wheeler .One fine morning you have a thought(sometimes it come after reading such news in TV or newspaper) ..what if he has an accident...and ...alas..your whole day is spoiled till he comes home or you talk to him on phone

So, find out yourself...are you a victim of depression or even clinical depression?

Take help

Keep reading the blog. Various techniques and way out will be explained here
